Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hybrid Tea Rose

Hybrid Tea Rose

red hybrid tea rose
Hybrid Tea rose-

 The  Hybrid Tea Rose is the favored rose of those who like to cut long stemmed roses, with large flowers. They are usually tall, upright plants. Most have a wonderful fragrance. They are the most popular rose in the world, planted and enjoyed by gardeners everywhere. The Hybrid Tea rose is equally at home in formal gardens, or informal plantings, as long as they are hardy to your planting zone.
Tea roses are repeat bloomers that have long lasting, high centered blooms. They typically produce one flower per long stem, deadheading the blooms as they fade, encourages the next cycle of blooms.
Hybrid tea roses are the most popular of the modern roses, for not only gardens, but exhibition, as well as bouquets.

Some of the most beautiful dark red roses (especially the ones you get in a bouquet) are Hybrid Tea Roses.

Ultimate Pink
ultimate pink hybrid tea rose
Large, light hybrid tea pink flowers are classic tea form, and are produced throughout the season, on long cutting stems.
This is an upright vigorous 4-6 ft. plant
This rose has a slight, sweet fragrance.
Disease resistant bush
One of the best in Pink Hybrid Teas

aromatherapy tea rose
This tea rose, is a very vigorous bush that produces lovely pink blooms.
It is a prolific bloomer for the duration of the season.  The blooms are very long lasting blooms.  The bush grows 5-6feet It has a very Intense, fruit
fragrance Hardy zones 6-10 Great for cutting!
photo courtesy Rick Leche

hacienda rose
photo courtsey:  Antonio Motta View more rose images from his lovely garden at

This classically formed Hybrid Tea  has various shades of gold and apricot. They have an unusual, bright yellow " peacock" fan pattern on the backs of each petal.
This rose is exhibition quality. They do fade in the heat. They are typically called a "bouquet machine", because of the abundance of flowers the bush produces.
Large flowers can get as large as 6 inches across. Plant can grow 5-6 ft. They have only a slight fragrance.
A lovely addition to the garden.
Large flowered, with very dark red, with a lighter reverse coloring.
Strong- fruity, musk, old rose fragrance.
This tall upright bush grows 5-6 ft.
Very disease resistant Named for the firefighters who lost their lives on Sept.11 2001. "Remember me" rose gardens will be building 3 rose gardens near where the planes crashed that awful day. Each garden will have a rose bush for each victim that day. Nearly 3,000 rose bushes in each garden...
Moon Shadow
moon shadow hybrid tea rose
This purple beauty has very unique coloring. Bush grows to five feet and has lovely dark green foliage. Long pointed buds open into beautiful double blooms.
This is a great long stemmed cutting rose. It has a wonderful strong antique rose fragrance.
Hardy Zones 6-10
Available from: Heirloom Roses photo courtesy of Drew Avery

Fragrant Cloud
fragrant cloud tea rose
Coral-orange blooms
Not only are the blooms on this Tea Rose lovely, but it has a
captivating heady, expensive perfume fragrance. Just one bloom will perfume an entire garden!
If you live in the right zone to grow these, and you want fragrance...
This unique colored upright growing bush grows 3-4 feet
Most Hybrid Tea Roses are hardy in zones 6-10. Some are hardy as far as zone 5, but I caution you if you live in that zone, to protect them as much as you can!
hybrid tea roses

sunstruck tea rose
This classically formed Hybrid Tea  has various shades of gold and apricot. They have an unusual, bright yellow " peacock" fan pattern on the backs of each petal.
This rose is exhibition quality. They do fade in the heat. They are typically called a "bouquet machine", because of the abundance of flowers the bush produces.
Large flowers can get as large as 6 inches across. Plant can grow 5-6 ft. They have only a slight fragrance.
A lovely addition to the garden.

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