Friday, December 27, 2013

Do you know the Proper Care of Roses?

Do you know the Proper Care of Roses?
This specific rose bush care will give you the garden you want, with healthy plants that supply you with big beautiful blooms all season.
Rose gardening, is caring for roses, that involves learning how to grow roses, in a manner that will meet the needs of the gardener who is caring for them. Rose plant care ultimately effects the health and flowering ability of the plant.
Roses do require a bit more care than the average garden flower, but armed with a bit of "rose knowledge" you can simplify that to suit you own gardening needs!
Along with choosing the right roses, the following tips will help you in the care of roses.
Before purchasing a rose, check to see that it will do well in your planting zone. Just because a local garden center has them for sale does NOT mean they are hardy in your area!!
Click Here for Hardiness Zone Map The map shows you what hardiness zone you are in. The label on your rose will tell you to what zone it is hardy in.
Follow this link to Seasonal Rose Bush Care Maintenance

Tips for the Proper Care of Roses

If you have questions such as 'How do you plant roses", or 'How do you plant a garden', follow this garden growing guide for answers. You'll grow a garden of roses to be proud of!

Fertilizing for the Care of Roses

Roses need supplemental fertilizer if you want them to perform successfully! It must be the right formulation, and given the right amount at the right time.
I suggest using organic fertilizer for your rose plants. Learn how to Fertilize for the care of roses your roses to keep them growing and flowering at their best.

Pruning ~ Care of Roses

Rose care Pruning is essential in the care of roses to produce good growth, and flowering of your rose bush. When you know when and how to prune, you can encourage growth at desired points to increase flowers!
You will also keep the bush looking neat and tidy, and keep it from growing out of bounds. Click to learn How and When to Prune


Deadheading the plants will encourage more blooms, and keep the bush looking neat and tidy. More information about deadheading roses


No one likes the job..... but it has to be done. If the beds are properly mulched, an occasional weed here and there is not much of a chore, but sometimes the weeds can get out of control. If left to grow freely, weeds will rob the rose of needed nutrients.
Besides.... pulling out weeds leave pockets of air in the soil, and this is a good way to  keep the soil nice and loose. Just be careful not to leave any rose roots exposed, and to water the bush well after.


Unlike conventional spray-type watering systems, soaker hoses weep water through thousands of tiny pores. The water soaks gently into the ground, nourishing plant roots directly while using up to 70% less water. Because water doesn't spray on leaves, there's less spread of disease, too. 
If it does not rain deeply or frequently enough, watering will be necessary! The condition of the soil, temperature, and proximity to other plants all effect the watering requirements of your roses.
To understand water demands of roses... On average, for the best Care of Roses...
They need at least one inch of water per week. It is VERY important to water DEEPLY, but infrequently. This will encourage deep roots.
If your roses develop deep roots, they will be stronger, healthier and more drought resistant than roses with shallow root systems.
If you have heavy soil that retains moisture, you will water less. Over watering this type of soil could cause root rot.
To test how much you need to water: Insert a pipe into the soil to a dept of 12 inches. Bring up a column of soil, right after you have finished your watering. If the soil is moist all the way to the bottom, you have given the plant the right amount.
If it is partly dry, you need to water more, for a longer time. This will give you a better idea of how much to water.
Take another test a week later. If the soil at the bottom is completely dry, you know you need to water more than once a week.
If the soil is still wet, a longer time frame, maybe 10 days between watering would be better to insure proper rose bush care. Container grown roses, and newly planted roses will need more water.

Mulching for proper care of roses

Mulching will help in the care of roses.
A mulch, or layer of synthetic or natural material, blankets the plant from the elements, as well as looking great!
Mulches serve many purposes:
 ~Help conserve moisture
 ~Gives an attractive finish to your garden
 ~Adds organic matter as well as nutrients to the soil
Look here for the Best and Worst Mulches

Controlling Pests and Diseases

Roses can be troubled by a number of diseases and insects. Many landscape and garden roses, are immune to some of these diseases, so choose wisely. Many cultivators resist common rose diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew.
By keeping the garden bed weeded and removing fallen leaves, you help to get rid of pests hiding places.
Healthy roses are less likely to become diseased, so keep plants healthy by giving them lots of sun, plenty of water, and good air circulation. It is important to spot problems early, and act immediately. A daily inspection of your roses will determine if a problem is present.
With today's busy lifestyles, you may not have time to run off to the garden center when you discover a problem.
If you're not quite sure what to do when this Easy Spray Guide will simplify your gardening. This is an organic spray regiment for the care of roses, that controls problems before they start. More help with Gardening Problems

Training Rose Canes
Rose canes can be trained in a number of ways; Woven, or fanned out  on a trellis, or wrapped or braided around a post.

The main thing to remember, is to not let the canes go straight up. You want to keep them as horizontal as possible.  Training this way, breaks the flow of nutrients to the tips, and promotes leaves and flowers to grow all along the cane.
When attaching or tying the canes, be careful not to tie them so tight that  they  get chocked as they grow. You also don't want them so loose that the wind blows them around and they are wounded by chafing.

Organic Rose Gardening
Practice gardening that is "safe" for you and the environment by growing Organic Roses
Coping with Deer
Deer bites leave jagged or torn ends on stems. They will eat stems and bark during the winter months, and happily nibble on flower buds and foliage during the growing season. Even the sharp thorns on the rose plants, do not deter them.
To find out more on how to Deter Hungry Deer from your garden
The best way to prepare the bed for planting is by double digging the soil, or using a Tiller! Start your roses off right, with soil they can sink their roots in to! 
By loosening the soil, and enriching it with compost, you give your roses THE best chance to flourish, resulting in the best they can be!
 photograph any flower or bush you want to make a lasting memory.Not to mention some of the great gifts these prints can make!
With all you do in the care of roses, why not reward yourself with a special momentum from the garden? Even the garden itself, at different times in the season, gets photographed.

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