Monday, October 6, 2014

Thanksgiving Dinner Centerpieces and Designs

Thanksgiving is on the horizon and it’s time to start planning the menu as well as the table scape. And the table scape includes the centerpieces of course! Need some ideas for something a little different this year? How about creating something beautiful instead of just sitting the turkey in the center of the table and calling it a night. Take a look at all our fabulous finds and use one to dress the Thanksgiving table this year!

Set a festive tone with a table piled with pumpkins, gourds, and bittersweet. Raid the cupboard for display ideas such as bowls or cake plates. The rich fall colors of gourds and pumpkins make it easy to create an elegant centerpiece.

Piled-High Pumpkins
Welcoming Display

Wheelbarrow Pumpkin Welcoming Display

Put an old wheelbarrow to use by filling it with an assortment of pumpkins, gourds, and squash. Use black acrylic paint or a permanent marker to decorate one of the pumpkins with a welcoming message.

The Classic Cornucopia.

It’s look is quintessential Thanksgiving and perfect for the holiday feast. Fill it up with
 vibrant fruits and florals to adorn the table.

Some Pumpkin  as Candlesticks.

For something light and delicate, grab some candlesticks and place some small, dainty pumpkins atop. It’s easy, quick but adorably stylish for a festive Thanksgiving treat.
Stack squatty gourds among your favorite white china. Dishes with ridges complement the natural elements in the display. Mixing and matching is in and is a great way to use your collectibles.

Bell Pepper and Flowers.

Definitely the most original, this adorable centerpiece was made simple with some bell peppers and pretty flowers. Use all different color peppers and then use contrasting flower colors inside to create a pop of autumn-flavored color.

Use Gourd as Vases.

Chop open some fall gourds and create a beautiful, organic vase! It’s festive and perfect for the season. And just like with the bell peppers, use contrasting and bright colors to spruce up neutral gourds.

Some Corns and Wheats.

Maybe you want to really pay homage to America’s very first Thanksgiving. Creating something like this rustic, corn and wheat palette would be a great way to do so!

Organic as Candles.

Grab some neutral, thick candles and wrap them up! Using some organic, fresh and green vegetables  to make the candle pop is a great way to create a focal point on the table.

Some Cranberries.

Don’t forget the beautiful cranberry color that looks great in any room, that means it looks great on the table too. Grab a white pumpkin, for contrast purposed, gut it and fill it with fresh florals and berries!

Some Simple Candles.

Grab a candle, or even several tea light and put them inside a clear holder. Then, add some uncooked corn kernels to add some zest. It’s simple and clean … but still a great look on the table.

Gourds in a Row

Create a stunning contemporary centerpiece by arranging four gourds and six large chrysanthemum blossoms symmetrically in a flat bowl or tray.
Gourds in a Row

Some Pumpkins and Mums.

Mums are the perfect fall flower and they’re pretty too! Grab a pumpkin and fill them up with these charming flowers!

Gourds Under Glass

Gourds Under Glass

Display petite gourds-turned-treasures in a decorative apothecary jar. Garnet-hue leaves and a dried hydrangea benefit from the same prescription.

Mini-Pumpkin Wreath

Mini-Pumpkin Wreath

For this autumn wreath, first tap small nails into the surface of miniature gourds and pumpkins to break the surface. Carefully poke sturdy toothpicks into the holes. Coat the protruding end of the toothpick with hot glue and immediately stick into a straw wreath form. Once the wreath is as completely covered with pumpkins and gourds as possible, hot-glue silk leaves around the wreath to fill in the gaps.

Gourds Galore
Gourds Galore

Bring a warm glow to the front porch with a generous tumble of smooth-skin gourds in soft, creamy colors. Accent them with frilly ornamental kale and fall flowers.

Flowered PumpkinsFlowered Pumpkins

Create this beautiful floral display using yellow and orange mums. Cut the heads from the flowers and hot-glue them all over the pumpkins. Display on tabletops or in small footed urns.

Hanging Gourd VaseHanging Gourd Vase

Hook a swan gourd over a balcony rail to create a hanging vase. Cut a 1- to 2-inch hole near the neck of the gourd, remove a bit of the pith, and insert mums, black-eyed Susans, and a length of Virginia creeper.

Floating Pumpkins

Floating Pumpkins

Fill an assortment of glasses with water and float mini pumpkin gourds inside.
 A Teddy Bear sunflower set in a shallow dipping bowl makes a frilly dinner accent.

Potted Pumpkins

Potted Pumpkins

Weathered terra-cotta pots give this simple display a boost. Set pumpkins in or atop them, and pair them with an explosion of rich burgundy dahlias accented with pumpkin leaves

Stacked Gourds in Glass Vases

Gather gourds in cylindrical vases to bring autumn to a tabletop or mantel. Use containers of different sizes to stack gourds in varying amounts. To give each display a vibrant touch, add a length of fresh pumpkin vine from the garden, pulling the vine out at the root and rinsing off the dirt. Place it in the vase with a bit of water.

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