Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The Calla Lily is also known as the arum lily, pig lily, tantalizing water dragon and the trumpet lily. This particular flower is native to South Africa and grows in late spring due to the warming of the atmosphere. The Calla lily has a variety of different meanings around the world, but remains beautiful and worthy to all cultures and religions. The original Calla lily meaning of “magnificent beauty” originated from the Greek Goddess, Hera. A beautiful, famous and well established goddess.

The Calla Lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica, is often called the white or common arum lily. Although most often referred to as Calla “Lily,” the calla is not related to true lilies (genus Lilium) or to the lily family. The Calla is an arum and closely related to houseplants such as the philodendron, spathiphyllum, pothos, monstera, and caladium. In the wild, the Calla Lily prefers marshy areas. One of its closest relatives is the Skunk Cabbage, which also prefers a marsh environment, and is one of the most abundant and earliest-blooming northern wildflowers. Some varieties of Calla Lilies are fragrant, though thankfully, they do not share the pungent odor of the Skunk Cabbage!

To the Romans, this particular lily was associated with funerals and placed upon individuals graves that died at a young age. The Calla Lily meaning was also know for lust and sexuality to the Romans as well. The greatest meaning to be known of the Calla lily, is by the Minoans and the Christian religions. The flower was sacred to the Minoans and seen as a symbol of purity and chastity to the Christians. Today this type of lily is used at a large variety of venues including weddings and funerals. The power that the Calla Lily holds amongst many civilizations/religions is beautiful, rare and unlike no other.
At weddings, the Calla lily is placed among tables, fences or even in a beautiful bouquet held by the bride. As this flower means magnificent beauty, it holds a very special position at weddings around the world. With a white wedding, the Calla lily fits perfectly with the beautiful bride and venue set up. The aroma that this flower gives off is fresh and powerful, giving the venue a comforting feel for all its guests.

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